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So it begins

I hate inaugural posts. So, this is it. A poem. Of sorts.

What brought her to this place? Her rational mind warred with the emotional. The clamor of thoughts made her fingers tremble. No, it was more than two halves of her psyche arguing to cause her body to quiver. It ran deep, into the yawning chasm of her subconscious. What anchored her to the real world: civility, societal convention, and morality, swayed beneath this torrent of existential tumult. Tonight, all that she knew would be uprooted and carried upon the swift course of her downfall, like so much detritus in a flash flood.

The gossamer fabric draping her body would be torn asunder as well. Cast aside in a heap on the bedroom floor or would the tattered remnants stubbornly cling to her flesh, a silken reminder of the life she callously shed, like that of a snake?

A serpent metaphor? She stifled a laugh. No, she was no Eve and her lover certainly no Adam. Speaking of the biblical, perhaps he was a savoir, of sorts. Delivering her from the sin of self-doubt. Nurturing the one she lacked.


This night, this holy night, she would worship upon the altar of his passion. Taste of his flesh. A communion of desire manifest in masculine heat.

Downfall? No, tonight she would be as Cesar and cross her Rubicon and not look back.

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